There are a variety of forms of meditation. I recently learned a “heart centered” meditation from Robert Sardello, author of the book “Silence”. Basically, the process consists of placing the part of you that is aware in certain parts of the body — in this case, the physical heart — such that one’s awareness comes form that specific area.
This powerful experience brings a sense of gratitude– seeing things through the eye of the heart. In so doing, we actually experience our emotions fully as emotions, not as emotionality. This opening can also have benefits for people and places around us as we share our open heart. The poem below was inspired by that experience.
Joy Again
… and the Earth
rises up and ripens
in gratitude for our new found heart
dust clouds behind cars
hang suspended as though alive
not wishing to envelop us
… the wood that held
the word made flesh
long since transformed
to mulch
then dirt
then into a multiplicity of things
… these things all rise up
from everywhere and nowhere
greeting the energy of our open heart
gently feeding upon us
as though we are a spring sun
or a slow drizzling desert rain
… and our merciful heart
expanding ever outward
allowing us to hold God
and all that is now
is rejoicing.